February 25, 2020

A Birthday Invitation

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
Finally, an age that's an even number. In case you didn't know, I don't like odd numbers. Every time I turn an age that's an odd number, I always cringe a little bit. It's weird, I know.

Anyways, here we are...32 years old. Well, here I am, 32 years old. You probably aren't 32 years old today! Leading up to today, I've tried to spend some time thinking about turning another year older, but it's been different than usual. I used to do my annual goal-setting and dreaming around my birthday which meant that I'd spend a lot of time thinking about my new year of life. However, since I started choosing One Little Word, the goal setting and dreaming has shifted from my birthday to New Year's.

However, I was recently reminded of a fun birthday idea that I used to do each year. Basically, it's a birthday bucket list. The idea is to write down 32 things that I WANT TO DO before I turn 33 (changes depending on your age, obviously). As you may remember, I used to do this with my 27 Before 28 and 28 Before 29 lists. This year, Elise Cripe, a blogger that I follow, created a birthday bucket list printable that she's calling a WANT TO DO list. I decided to print it out and write down 32 things that I want to do before turning 33.

32 things I WANT to do before 33
In a recent email newsletter that included this printable, Elise mentioned that her list is full of "a bunch of unrealistic fun stuff", which sounds about right. She talked about her new years' goals being more habit-based, but that this list is a "dream list of things I want to do before my next birthday". In addition, the expectation isn't really that all of these things get done, it's about the practice of setting big, ambitious goals. Elise is a goal-setter, if you haven't already noticed.

So, I have also filled my list with 32 unrealistic and fun things that I want to do before I turn 33. If I do five of these things, great. If I get around to doing 25, even better. I'm just excited about adding new experiences to my life...and to focus on what I want to do instead of what I have to do.

Now that I've said all of that, you might be wondering why the title of this blog post is "A Birthday Invitation". Well, there's a reason. First and foremost, thank you - each and every one of you - for being a part of my life, story and ministry in Romania. As I head into this next year of life, I am expectant for all God wants to do, in me and through me.

As I continue to live and serve in Romania, I want to invite you to join me and be apart of what God is doing here. Since my birthday is on the 25th of February, I'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving $25 today on the 25th, which will directly influence and impact all God is doing here in Romania and in my life. You can give on my secure online giving site by clicking HERE.

Again, thank you. As I spend another birthday in Romania AND approach the five-year mark here, I am in awe of what God has done and what He has allowed me to do. Thank you for continuing to be apart of that.

And, before I end this lovely post, I'd like to treat you to a photo of me as a child. This has become a fun little tradition in my birthday posts so I'll keep it going...

2nd grade Casey. You're welcome. 

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