September 13, 2014

Gilmore Girls

Warning: I'm about to throw up all things Gilmore Girls. Prepare yourself. 

Gilmore Girls is my all-time favorite television show. I own all 7 seasons. I watched it religiously when it aired from 2000-2007. I often recorded the episodes on VHS tapes if I had to miss them for some reason. When the final episode aired, I literally bawled my eyes out. Who am I kidding, I STILL bawl my eyes out when I watch the last episode...and many other episodes. I've watched the series more times than I can count. One time, I went through and only watched the episodes that Jess appeared in. Yep, I am Team Jess. For your enjoyment (or maybe just mine), I am about to share a slew of links related to the residents of Stars Hollow. Enjoy!

Also, Gilmore Girls is coming to Netflix on October 1st. Since I already own every season, this isn't a huge deal for me. However, I'm extremely excited for everyone else to experience the awesomeness of this show. Yay!

19 Reasons JESS was the Perfect Match for Rory - THIS. IS. EVERYTHING.

The Definitive Ranking of the Men on Gilmore Girls - Luke and Jess, always.

How Gilmore Girls Should've Ended, The Rory Gilmore's Boyfriend Edition

13 Weird Gilmore Girls Town Events You'd Like to Experience

19 Signs You're Just Like Rory Gilmore

24 Reasons Why Lorelai Gilmore is the Coolest Mom Ever

The 23 Wisest Things Lorelai Gilmore Ever Said

17 Moments When Paris Gellar was Totally Relatable 

The Unofficial Guide to College, According to Rory Gilmore

27 Amazing Things We Might Get In a Gilmore Girls Movie

17 Definitive Reasons Luke and Lorelai Deserved a Better Ending 

Which Gilmore Girls Guy is Your Soulmate? - Jess, DUH.

How Many Books From Gilmore Girls Have You Read?

All 339 Books Referenced in Gilmore Girls

Which Rory Gilmore are you?

How Well Do You Know Gilmore Girls? - 18 out of 18

16 Things You Didn't Know About Gilmore Girls

And finally, 36 Times Jess Mariano Completely Melted Your Heart on Gilmore Girls

Found here.

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